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Title Trier par ordre décroissant
TA YEULE! numéro 1 fanzine HC punk en français 28 pages n&b, photocopies, 2 dollars.
TAINT the ruin of nova roma cd Candlelight Records / Rise Above 2005
TAKARU A LIGHT IN THE ATTIC split LP autoproduction 2003
TANEN démo cdr autoproduction 2005
TANEN fragments cd Trendkill 2008
TANG another thousand days out of this world cd Emolution Records 2006
TANG demo Cd Autoprod.
TANG this quietness booms about on the walls like birds in panic Cd Emolution Records 2003
TANG Dynamite Drug Diamond (Twist & Shout / Emolution)
TANK OF DANZIG "not trendy" (Music à la coque 2013)
TANTE FELIPE le point de croix cd commence par maman / les potagers natures 2006
TANTRUM The frontier burts into view Cd Supine Records 2003
TANZ MEIN HERZ quattro (Standard In-Hifi / Angstrom 2021)
TAPETTE FEST 3 15 & 16 juin 2007 Montbizot
TAPETTO TRACI Neurula A tant rêver du roi 2009
TARANTULA HAWK s/t cd Life is abuse 2000
TARANTULA HAWK s/t Cd Neurot Recordings 2003
TARPIGH go hogh wild Cd North East Indie Records 2002
TARRACOIR growth (Deserted Village 2015)
TASADAY In Attesa, nel labirinto Cd Wallace Records 2004
Tashi DORJI & Tyler DAMON : To Catch A Bird In A Net Of Wind (Trost records 2020)
Tashi DORJI we will be wherever the fires are lit (Drag City 2024)
TBC & GUY Lieder Ueber Pflanzen Und Bäume Wachsender Prozess 2006
TEAR IT UP FAST TIMES split 2001 Young Blood records 10-
TECHNO ANIMAL The Brotherhood Of The Bomb cd Matador Records 2001
TEDDIE DAHLIN : a vicious love story (New Haven Publishing 2015)
TEKKEN DEJA MORT Split Unhurt, Wee Wee, Slow Death, Trahison Records 2006
TEKKEN TIN RP / GEORGE BITCH JR Split 7- 75 Records 2005
TELEFAX des courbes de choses invisibles Cd Dora Dorovitch 2003
TELEMARK s/t Lp 6t. BombShell Records 2002
TELEMARK viva suicide cd X-Mist Records 2006
TELLEMAKE morning ep Cd ep - Angstrom Records 2003
TEN GRAND the comprehensive list of everyone... Cd Sickroom Records 2002
TEN GRAND this is the way to rule Cd Southern Records 2003
TEN GRAND mike lust split 7- Sickroom Records 2002
TEN VOLT SHOCK 6 Null 3 X-Mist Records / LABIL Records / Bakery Outlet Records 2006
TEN VOLT SHOCK 78 hours cd Screaming Mimi, X-Mist, Salon Alter Hammer and Bakery Outlet 2010
TEN VOLT SHOCK s/t cd autoproduction 2001
TEN VOLT SHOCK ten volt shock lp Xmist / Christopher’s Records 2004
TEN VOLT SHOCK NEIGHBOUR ROSICKY split 7- Kopist Platten Records 2002
TEN VOLT SHOCK the incident 7" X Mist Records 2002
TETSUO malmorahkign cd Worth Records 2004
TG la nuit LP galerie pache / les potagers natures 2006
THALIA ZEDEK Been here and gone cd Matador Records 2001
THALIA ZEDEK Liars and Prayers thrill jockey records 2008
THALIA ZEDEK Trust not those in whom without some touch of madness Thrill Jockey / Discograph 2005
THALIA ZEDEK you're a big girl now (Kimchee / Acuarela Records 2002)
THAT FUCKING TANK A Document of our First Set cd Jealous Records 2004
THAT FUCKING TANK s/t cd jealous records 2006
THE (JUKEBOX) SCENARIO Winston s/t 7- Bachelor 2001
THE A.M.THAWN victorian leaves Lp Swing Deluxe / Riptide Records 2002
THE APOLLO PROGRAM démo Cdr autoproduction 2002
THE APOPLEXY TWIST ORCHESTRA jedes herz ist eine zeitbombe 5- React with protest Records 2002
THE APPLESEED CAST Low Level Owl : Volume 1 Cd Deep Elm Records 2001
THE APPLESEED CAST Low Level Owl : Volume 2 cd Deep Elm Records 2001
THE APPLESEED CAST two conversations cd Gentlemen Music / Tiger Style Records 2003
THE ASSISTANT we’ll make the roads by walking cd Nova Recording 2003
THE ATARIS end is forever Cd kun fu records 2001
THE AUSTRASIAN GOAT s/t TTDMRT / 213 Records / Solitude Records / Impure Muzik
THE BETTER THOUGHTS TO COME HOT SCONE société de figurants 10- JASON R / ESB / LOF / SHINYA records 2003
THE BETTER THOUGHTS TO COME TIELNICH split 7- Esb/ Electropuncture/ Rabib/ Beta/ Jason R. / Shogun Records 2004
THE BITTER TEARS Jam Tarts in the Jakehouse cd carrot top records 2010
THE BLACK HEART PROCESSION amore del tropico Cd Touch & Go records 2002
THE BLACK HEART PROCESSION love sings... 7- Rocket Racer 2001
THE BLACK HEART PROCESSION s/t 7- Suicide Squeeze Records 2001
THE BLACK HEART PROCESSION the spell CD Touch and Go Records 2006
THE BLUE HOUR s/t 7- the Electric Human Project 2002
THE BOSS lay down your firearms cd Enginer Records 2006
THE BUSHMEN war and soda cd Puzzle Ramp 2006
THE CABLE CAR THEORY REALIGN split 7-- Voice of life / Rockemotions records 2000
THE CASSETTES lights 7- Carcrash records 2000
THE CASSETTES s/t Cd Lovitt Records 2002
THE CHAMBERMAIDS s/t cd Modern Radio 2006
THE CHERRYVILLE Whether We Are LP LP Swing Deluxe records 2001
THE CHERRYVILLE KITTY EMPIRE project (split) 7- Dancing in the dark records 2001
THE CHINESE STARS a rare sensation cd Three One G 2004
THE CHINESE STARS Heaven on Speed Dial cd Anchor Brain 2009
THE CHINESE STARS listen to your left brain skin graft / Troubleman 2007
THE CHINESE STARS turbo mattress cd Skin Graft Records 2003
THE CHINESE STARS / AGRIPON / GLEN OR GLENDA orga : kfuel le Mondo Bizarro, Rennes
THE CHINESE STARS, STEAK FROM DELTA 18/05/04 Les instants chavirés / Montreuil
THE COLD WITHIN A Burden Of Reason Cd Eternalis Records 2004
THE COLD WITHIN SEE THE LIGHT split cd Words Of Illusions Records 2005
THE CONFORMISTS Three hundred cd Africantape 2010
THE CONFORMISTS two hundred cd Collective Records 2004
THE CONFORMISTS midwestless (Computer Students 2024)
THE CURTAINS Vehicles of Travel Cd Frenetic Records 2004
THE CUTTHROATS 9 anger management Cd Reptilian records 2001
THE CUTTHROATS 9 s/t cd Man’s ruin records 2000
THE DEAD SCIENCE villenaire cd Constellation 2008
THE DEATH OF ANNA KARINA s/t Cd Heroine Records 2002
THE DEATH OF ANNA KARINA THE FLYING WORKER split 7- Mashnote / Life Of Hate Records 2003
THE DEATHRAY DAVIS they stuck me in a box in the ground pt. 3 7- Hasanyoneevertoldyou? 2001
THE DEVIL MAKES THREE s/t Autoproduction, 2002
THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN miss machine cd Relapse Records 2004
THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN MIKE PATTON irony is a dead scene Cd Epitaph Records 2002
THE DISCORD OF A FORGOTTEN SKETCH s/t cd New Romance for Kids Records 2006
THE DOPAMINE ADDICT QUARTET Pad Treatment Novalis-Impulse 2006
THE DREAM IS DEAD s/t Cd Escape Artist Records 2003
THE ELEKTROCUTION open heart surgery cd Overcome 2005
THE EMBASSY anticipation Cd Propriot Records 2001
THE EMO DIARIES chapter 7, me against the world Cd Deep Elm 2002
THE EMO DIARIES compilation chapter 8 , my very last breath cd Deep Elm 2002
THE EMO DIARIES the hope and hide inside cd Deep Elm 2004
THE END within dividia cd Relapse Records 2004
THE EVENS 12 songs cd Dischord 2005
THE EX catch my shoe cd ex records 2010
THE EX Dizzy Spells Cd Vicious Circle Records 2001
THE EX singles period cd Ex records 2005
THE EX turn Cd Vicious Circle 2004
THE EX & BRASS UNBOUND / FM EINHEIT aux Rendez vous de l'Erdre / Nantes le 2 / 09 / 2011
THE EX - ANNE JAMES CHATON - MOLLER PLESSET L-olympic - Nantes - juin 2003
THE EX, MATS GUSTAFSSON ET XAVIER CHARLES/ FOGO / KAOLAN DORNER CHAMY Samedi 22 juillet,20 euros salle alauna, Secondigny
THE EXPECTORATED SEQUENCE Hairbomb Cd New Romance For Kids Records 2005
THE EXPECTORATED SEQUENCE Hairbomb cd new romance for kids records 2005
THE EXPECTORATED SEQUENCE over the top cd Contemps for humanity 2004
THE FALL are you are missing winner cd Cog Sinister 2001
THE FALL fall heads roll cd Narnack Records 2005
THE FALL The Real New Fall LP...Formerly Country On the Click cd Narnack Records 2004
THE FALL The Unutterable Cd Cog Sinister/eagle Records 2000
THE FALL 'les indisciplinés' LORIENT 11/11/2011
THE FALLOUT PROJECT Hopes And Ropes Cd Dare To Care Records 2005
THE FANTASTIKOL HOLE Mathematikol Oil Basement Apes Industries – 2005
THE FELLING OF LOVE petite tu es un hit Yakisakana Records 2008
THE FICTION I told her that I like living in a box cd Level Plane 2004
THE FIRE NEXT TIME sound of a threat Cd Dim Mak / Code of Ethics 2002
THE FLAMINGO MASSACRES Wearing Your Heart On The Front Of Your Shirt Lp X-mist Records 2001
THE FLYING LUTTENBACHERS cataclysm cd Ugexplode 2006
THE FLYING LUTTENBACHERS destroy all musics (revisited) cd ug explode / skin graft records 2007
THE FLYING LUTTENBACHERS Infection and Decline ugEXPLODE / Troubleman Unlimited 2002
THE FLYING LUTTENBACHERS Systems Emerge from Complete Disorder Cd Ugexplode / Troubleman unlimited 2003
THE FLYING LUTTENBACHERS the void cd ugEXPLODE / Troubleman Unlimited 2004
THE FLYING LUTTENBACHERS losing the war inside our heads (ugExplode records/ God Records 2024)
THE FLYING WORKER s/t 7- Destructure/ Erode/ WeeWee/ We Are Not Wizards ! Records 2004
THE FLYING WORKER s/t cdr demo autoproduction 2002
THE FLYING WORKER SEVEN FEET FOUR Split 7- Puzzle Records 2002
THE FORKS "3" Maximum douglas Records 2011
THE GALVIN WILHELM MILLER QUARTET s/t Impatience or indifference records 2002
THE GAY CORPORATION spit your anger on my face you are my favourite slave cd Head Records 2007
THE GET UP KIDS eudora Cd Vagrant records / Heroes and Vilains 2001
THE GLAD HUSBANDS : God bless the stormy weather (Whosbrain records 2012)
THE GOOD GOOD furrows cd menlo park 2006
THE GRAVITY INDEX s/t cd Modern Radio Records 2002
THE GREAT SABATINI Dog Years (LP Solar Flare 2014)
THE GREY asleep at the wheel LP Adagio 830 Records / Lovitt Records 2006
THE GREY lundi 9 octobre 2006, gratuit Le Cod’Bar, Poitiers
THE GRIZZLY TWISTER kill the autopilot cd My Favourite Toy 2004
THE HAMMER PARTY : smashed Hits (Lp Psychic Static records 2020)
THE HEALTHY BOY a two steps promenade cd Kythibong Records 2005
THE HEALTHY BOY Jusqu-a ce que nous soyons repus cd kythibong 2008
THE HEALTHY BOY & THE BADASS MOTHERFUCKERS carne farce camisole (Kythibong 2013)
THE HEROINE SHEIKS rape on the installment plan Cd Reptilian records 2001
THE HIVE DWELLERS Moanin' (K Records 2014 / LP249)
THE HOSPITALS i-ve visited the island of jocks and jazz cd Load Records 2005
THE INTELLIGENCE WAW Mecredi 21 Avril 2010 Scene Michelet / Nantes
THE INVISIBLE FROG Space makes noise cd Amanita Records / Mandai Distribution 2005
THE KINISON s/t cd Fearless Records 2003
THE LADIES they mean us LP Temporary Residence Limited 2006
THE LANDSLIDE get together cd dim mak records 2001
THE LAPSE Heaven Ain-t Happenin- Cd Southern Records 2000
THE LAST FORTY SECONDS SUNDOWNER s/t 7- Ape must not kill ape records 2001
THE LOCUST flight of the wounded locust Cd GSL Records 2001
THE LOCUST Lab Remixes Vol4 Cd GSL Records 2000
THE LOCUST New Erections Anti 2007
THE LOCUST plague soundscapes Cd Anti Records 2003
THE LOCUST safety second, body last cd Ipecac Recordings 2005
THE LOCUST / ARAB ON RADAR s/t 7- Gsl Records 2000
THE LOCUST MELT BANANA split 7" GSL records 2002
THE LOVE SONG COMPAGNY s/t 7- Superkid Records 2000
THE LOVEKILL the sleepover cd Astro Magnetics 2005
THE LOW FREQUENCY IN STEREO s/t Cd Rec90 Records 2003
THE LOWDOWN Y is a crooked letter cd Zum Media 2003
THE MASS city of dis monotreme records 2003
THE MOCK HEROIC dignified exits cd Super Fi Records 2007
THE MOHAWK LODGE wildfires cd white whale records 2010
THE MONORAIL a whole new city cd Milquetoast Records 2004
THE MONORAIL PEOPLE CHASING PEOPLE visit pellmell CD Milquetoast Recordings 2005
THE MONTAUK PROJEKT démo autoproduction 2006
THE NARRATOR youth city fire Cd FLAMESHOVEL Records 2004
THE NECKS Mindset (ReR Megacorp 2021)
THE NEW YEAR Newness Ends Cd Touch & Go Records 2001
THE NIHILIST SPASM BAND every monday night Cd Alchemy Records 1999
THE OBSERVERS Lead Pill 7- deranged records 2005 (rééd 2003)
THE OLIVER TWIST new tricks and traps LP Xmist Records 2002
THE ONE ENSEMBLE wayward he fourth secret eye records 2007
THE ONE ENSEMBLE OF DANIEL PADDEN the owl of fives Cd Textile Records 2004
THE PANTHER PARTY STETSON split cd Gandoo / Truffle Shuffle Records 2007
THE PAPER CHASE god bless you black heart Cd Kill Rock Stars 2004
THE PATRIOTIC SUNDAY Lay your Soul Bare cd collectif Effervescence 2004
THE PINE homeless life 7- Owsla Records 2002
THE PLAN only these movements remain Cd Rewika Records / Matlock Records 2001
THE PLANET THE physical angel Cd 54° 40- or Fight ! Records 2003
THE POP NARCOTIC ride cd New Age Records 2002
THE POPE The Jazzman Cometh cd wantage records 2005
THE PORNOGRAPHY car Cd Wallace Records 2000
THE PORNOGRAPHY write, read, cancel cd Wallace Records 2001
THE PROMISE RING Very Emergency Cd Jade Tree Records 2000
THE PSYCHIC PARAMOUNT Gamelan Into the Mink Supernatural cd no quarter records 2005
THE PUPILS s/t Cd Dischord Records 2002
THE RED CHORD fused together in revolving doors cd Reflections Records 2003
THE REDNECK MANIFESTO Cut your heart off from your head + thirtysixstrings Cd Redf 2002 / greyslate records 2001
THE REMPIS / DAISY DUO : second spring (aerophonic records 2013)
THE ROBOCOP KRAUS fake boys 12- L’Age d’Or Records 2003
THE ROBOCOP KRAUS Inferno Nihilistique Lp Swing Deluxe Records 2000
THE ROBOCOP KRAUS living with other people Cd L-age D-or / Day After 2003
THE ROBOCOP KRAUS they think they are the Robocop Kraus… cd Epitaph / Lado Records 2005
THE ROBOCOP KRAUS tiger Lp Day After Records 2001
THE ROBOCOP KRAUS who do they think they are ? CD LADO Records 2005
THE ROBOCOP KRAUS you don’t have to shout (ep) cd LADO / Epitaph Records 2005
THE ROBOCOP KRAUS YAGE Split 7" Swing Deluxe, Arabesque, Nova Recordings, Earthwatersky Connection, 2001
THE SAN LUCAS BAND La Voz de las Cumbres (Music of Guatemala) (Les Disques Bongo Joe 2024)
THE SCREAMERS In A Better World Cd Extravertigo Recordings / XEROID Records 2003
THE SEARCH FOR SATURNALIA s/t Cd Hasanyoneevertoldyou? Records 2000
THE SECONDS kratitude Cd 5 Rue Christine Records 2006
THE SECRET CLUB demo cdr 3- autoproduction 2005
THE SHAMPOO radar.rot cd Swing Deluxe / Earthwatersky records 2001
THE SHARP EASE t-spin cdr autoproduction 2002
THE SLIPING KANGOOROOS concert (fev.2008) + Under pressure (autoprod album) sedan / quai 23
THE SOMNAMBULIST : Sophia Verloren (Solaris Empire / acid cobra records 2012)
THE SPORES Laa-Laa + interface 7- Flitwick Records 2000
THE SPORES not now Cd Flitwick Records 2001
THE TALL SHIPS paint lines... cd Minority records 2006
THE TELESCOPES ##4 cd Antenna Records 2005
THE TELESCOPES Auditory Illusions Double Agent Records
THE TELESCOPES Third Wave Double Agent Records 2003
THE THING garage (the thing records 2015)
THE THIRD MEMORY et de cela rien ne ressort cd Impure Muzik / Tears From Silence Records 2005
THE TINKLERS s/t 7- Music -a La Coque Records 2001
THE TONE here’s another reason...to believe in rock and roll cd Rugger Burgger / Snuffy Smile / No Idea records 2001
The Umbrellas s/t (Slumberland 2021)
THE USAISAMONSTER + VIALKA La Casa del popolo, montréal 13 mai 2004-05-14
THE VETS Ad Infinitum cd modern radio records 2005
THE VETS s/t Cd Modern Radio Records 2002
THE WORLD INFERNO FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY just the best party Cd Gern Blandsten 2002
THE YELLOW PRESS comfortable curses lp Day After Records 2006
THE YELLOW PRESS s/t LP Christopher’s Records/ X-Mist Records 2004
THEE SILVER MT. ZION MEMORIAL ORCHESTRA & TRA LA LA BAND born into trouble as the sparks fly upward cd Constellation Records 2001
THEE SILVER MT. ZION MEMORIAL ORCHESTRA & TRA LA LA BAND Horses in the Sky cd constellation 2005
THEE SILVER MT. ZION MEMORIAL ORCHESTRA & TRA LA LA BAND WITH CHOIR This Is Our Punk-Rock, Thee Rusted Satellites Gather +Sing, Cd Constellation Records 2003
THEMSELVES the music of no aiffs - the no music remixed Cd Anticon Records 2003
THEORY OF RUIN counter-culture nosbleed cd Escape Artist Records 2002
THERAMIN We were gladiators cd Psychotica 2004
THERE IS A LIGHT THAT NEVER GOES OUT s/t Cd Grok Plastique Records 2000
THERE IS A LIGHT THAT NEVER GOES OUT VANILLA split Cd Waiting for an Angel / Gork Plastique 2002
THESE ARMS ARE SNAKES oxeneers or lion sleeps when its antelope go home Cd Lp Jade Tree/ Second Nature 2004
THESE ARMS ARE SNAKES s/t cd Jade Tree 2003
THINK ABOUT LIFE think about life cd alien8 recordings 2006
THINKING FELLERS UNION LOCAL 282 Bob Dinners And Larry Noodles Present Tubby Turdner-s Celebrity Avalanche Cd The Communion Label 2001
THINKING FELLERS UNION LOCAL 282 Things Remain Unassigned (Bulbous Monocle records 2023)
THIRTY SIX SIDE electric electric CD STS Network/ Furia 2006
THIRTY SIX SIDE FULL SCREEN two different ways to speak cd autoproduction 2002
THIS AIN’T VEGAS the night don benito saved my life LP Jealous Records 2005
THIS BEAUTIFUL MESS falling on deaf ears cd Deep Elm 2002
THIS IS INDIE ROCK the best bands you’ve never heard CD Deep Elm Records 2005
THIS IS THE KIT krülle bol cd Microbe Records 2008
THIS MOMENT IN BLACK HISTORY it takes a nation of assholes to hold us back lp X Mist Records 2007
Thomas KONER : Novaya Zemlya (Lp Denovali records / Touch 2012)
THREE IN ONE GENTLEMAN SUIT battlefields in an automn scenario cd fooltribe records 2004
THREE PENNY OPERA s/t Lp Troubleman Unlimited Records 2000
THREE SECOND KISS long distance cd africantape records 2008
THREE SECOND KISS : tastyville (AfricanTape 2012)
THREE SECOND KISS from fire i save the flame (Overdrive records 2024)
THREE SILVER MOUNTAIN REVERIES Pretty Little Lightning Paw cd constellation 2004
THRENODY ENSEMBLE timbre hollow Cd ATP Recordings 2002
THROAT : short circuit (Reptilian records / Kaos Kontrol 2015)
THROAT manhole (Rejuvenation records 2013)
THRONES Day late, Dollar short Southern Lord records 2005
TIDAL moment cd Per Koro 2001
TIGERSMILK s/t cd Family Vineyard 2003
TIM DAISY / IKUE MORI light and shade (Relay recordings 2021)
TIM DAISY configurations (relay recordings 022) + more
TIM HECKER the north water (original-score) (Invada 2023)
TIM PRESLEY : the wink (Drag City 2017)
TIME TO BURN is.land cd Basement Apes Industries 2007
TIME TO BURN starting point cd Basement Apes Industries 2005
TINDERSTICKS Ypres (lucky dog / city slang 2014)
TO étazma cd Césaré Records 2007
TOADSTOOL rock’n roll is up to the sky cd Furne Records 2004
TODAY IS THE DAY Axis of Eden Supernova Records 2007
TODAY IS THE DAY Kiss the Pig Relapse records 2004
TODAY IS THE DAY Sadness will prevail Cd Relapse Records 2002
TODAY IS THE DAY METATRON the descent cd This Dark Reign Recordings 2001
TODD Comes To Your House cd southern 2006
TOMBOUCTOU : Ceiling Coast (LP Carogna records / Cheap Satanism 2017)
TOMBOUCTOU Tricky Floors (Day Off Records 2023)
Tomeka REID, Isidora EDWARDS, Elisabeth COUDOUX s/t (Relative Pitch records 2023)
TOMOYUKI AOKI & HARUTAKA MOCHIZUKI s/t (Nashazphone records 2022)
TONE solidarity cd Neurot recordings / southern 2006
TONNERRE MECANIQUE : s/t (Boomboom rikordz, Katatak, Tonnerrec. 2012)
TONY BUCK / MARK NAUSEEF – MONGRELS (Relative Pitch Records 2023)
TONY CONRAD Faust Outside the Dream Syndicate Alive cd Table of the element 2005
TORMENTA CADENZA s/t Whosbrain Records 2006
TORTICOLI : s/t (Kerviniou 2014)
TORU velours d​é​vorant (Day Off / WV Sorcerer Productions 2025)
TOTAL FUCKING BLOOD blaze the lord (Freedom From 2007)
TOTAL SHUTDOWN The Album LP Load Records / CD Tigerbeat6 2003
Tout a une fin sauf la banane qui en a deux...
TOYCHESTRA My Good Side cd SK records 2005
TOYCHESTRA sassy pony Cd SK Records 2002
TOYCHESTRA FRED FRITH what leave behind Cd SK RECORDS 2004
TOYS'R'NOISE s/t (Tandori Records 2013)
TRACTOR démo Superfi Records 2006
TRAGEDY can we call this life 7- autoproduction 2001
TRAGEDY TOTALITAR split Armageddon Label + Hardcore, 2003
TRANS MEGETTI Oon Be Seeing You Later Cd 7- Gern Blandsten / Trans Solar
TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR s/t Cd Level Plane Records 2002
TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR WOLVES s/t split cd Level Plane 2004
TRANZMITORS s/t deranged records 2007
TRAPDOOR FUCKING EXIT s/t Cd No Idea Records 2002
TREADWELL Bomb Diffusion Status Recordings
TREASURY OF PUPPIES Mitt Stora Nu (Discreet Music 2022)
TREMBLE WITH JOY Born Trembling (False Walls records 2024)
TRENCHER lips cd Southern Records 2006
TREVOR DUNN-S TRIO-CONVULSANT Sister Phantom Owl Fish cd Ipecac / southern 2004
TRIGGER CUT rogo (autoproduction 2021)
TRISTEZA LEMKO HALL split 7- Delboy Records 2002
TROMBE - Concerts
TROMBE Cheval rodéo (LP STNT 002)
TROMBE déluge (STNT 04)
TROUBLEMAN MIX-TAPE compilation cdTroubleman Unlimited Records 2001
TROY VON BALTHAZAR How To Live On Nothing Third side records
TRS-80 shake hands with danger Cd File13 Records 2003
TRUMANS WATER s/t LP Delboy Records 2001
TRUMANS WATER the singles 1992 - 1997 Cd No Sides Records 2003
TRUNKS useless Box Pock / Range Ta Chambre 2007
TUJIKO NORIKO make me hard Cd Mego 2002
TUJIKO NORIKO shojo toshi Cd Mego 2001
TUNIC exhaling / quitter (Artoffact records 2021)
TURN A DEAF EAR s/t cd Pax Recordings records 2001
TURN PALE kill the lights Cd What Else Records 2003
TURTLE RAMBLERS RED EYE BALL 7- some produkt 2008
TVESLA EYSTON split 7- Christopher-s Records 2004
TWELVE HOUR TURN Bend Breack Spill Cd No Idea Records 2001
TWELVE HOUR TURN perfect progress perfect destruction Cd No Idea 2002
TWINK s/t Cd Dyspepsidisc Records 2002
TYVEK s/t (siltbreeze records 2009/2024)