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Title Trier par ordre décroissant
B.ABUSE misery is the rhythm of the world cd Impure Muzik 2006
B.LINES Burnt cds ep 6 titres Nominal Records 2009
BAGARRE GENERALE s/t (Lp Radar Swarm 2012)
Baïkida E.J. CARROLL orange fish tears (Souffle Continu records 2023)
BAKA ! s/t Cd Unique Records 2002
BALLAST numb again ep ballast records 001, autoprod. 2004.
BALLISTER chrysopoeia (Aerophonic Records 2022)
BANANAS AT THE AUDIENCE Banana At The Audience Cd Autoproduction 2001
BANANAS AT THE AUDIENCE into the house of slumber cd SK Records 2006
BANANAS AT THE AUDIENCE staring at the surface cd autoproduction 2004
BANANAS AT THE AUDIENCE KABU KI BUDDAH alerte au macaque en ferraille 7- SK Records 2002
BARR beyond reinforced cd 5 rue christine (5RC) 2005
BASEMENT everything gets distorted cd Interference / Lucane Musiques 2007
BASEMENT Underneath Vicious Circle / Pias 1998
BÄSTARD yet reloaded (live confort moderne POITIERS 24/09/2005 + ROME 1994) ici d-ailleurs 2006
BASTARD NOISE three dollar date + microscopic Malediction Housepig Records 2006
BATALJ s/t (7" Et mon cul c'est du tofu / Twintoe Records 2012)
BATHOUSE s/t (Happiest Place records 2020)
BATS AND MICE Believe It Mammals Cd Lovitt Records 2002
BATS AND MICE S/t Cd Lovitt Records 2000
BATTLES EP C / B EP cd warp records 2006
BATTLES EP C Cd Monitor Records 2004
BATTLES MOLLER PLESSET / MOESGAARD dimanche 23 avril 2006, entrée libre Rezé, La Barakason
BATTLESHIP Hearts Addendum (15/08/2006) + Presents Princess (15/03/2006) cd on/on switch records 2006
BAZOOKA un regard moderne Seuil, mars 2005, 40 euros 85 dollars
BEAR CLAW slow speed: deep owls cd Sick Room Records 2007
BEAUTIFUL SKIN s/t 7- Gsl Records 2001
BEE AND FLOWER What-s Mine Is Yours Cd Neurot Recordings 2003
BEENOOZ Ep CD autoproduction 2005
BEGAYER Terrain à mire une maison (Les Disques Bongo Joe / Label Le Saule 2018)
BEIRUT 5 a machinic exodus cd Salvation Records 2004
BELL RAYS the red white and black alternatives tentacles 2004
BELLE EPOQUE à la dérive EP 12’’, Rejuvenation Records / Heart On Fire / Les Entreprises Marcel Daron 2005
BELLINI snowing sun Cd Monitor records 2002
BELLINI The precious price of gravity Temporary residence 2009
BELLY BUTTON Both Vicious Circle 1996
BEN DAVIS aided and abetted cd Lovitt Records 2003
BEN DAVIS the hushed patterns of relief cd Lovitt Records 2001
BENOîT BOUTHILETTE La Trace de l-escargot Les éditions JCL, 2005
Benoit Pépin, Ta Yeule, diy édition, septembre 2011, 10 dollars.
BENSIINI r (Ektro records 2016)
BENTON FALLS fighting starlight cd Deep Elm Records 2001
BENTON FALLS guilt beats hate Cd Deep Elm Records 2003
BENUMB by means of upheaval Cd Relapse 2003
BERG SANS NIPPLE Form of Prohibited Records – 2003
BERLINE 0.33 : the abyss will gaze back
BERSERK FOR A TEA ink…and paper cd Get A Life / Saïko Records 2007
BETUNIZER Gran Veta (Bcore 2013)
BEX spasmo le saut du tigre 2008
BIDAI biarrezgaur (Hegoa Records / Diskak 2023)
BIG BOYS Lullabies Help The Brain Grow / No Matter How Long The Line At The Cafeteria, There-s Always A Seat X-Mist Records 2004
BIG NUMBERS Now, everything Cd Frog Man Jake Records 2001
BIG NUMBERS Spectrum Cd 3- Frog Man Jake Records 2002
BIG'N end comes too soon (Cmptr Stdnts 2024)
Biliana VOUTCHKOVA / Charmaine LEE I am going to make an attempt to describe what you mean to me (Relative Pitch 2023)
BINAIRE Bête noire Human Project records 2008
BINAIRE filth abhors filth 10- Autoproduction 2005
BISK Moonstruck Parade Cd Quatermass 2000
BITCHIN’ the night life, the tight style Cd No Idea Records 2002
BIZIBOX never catch us downtown cd Tumbleweed Records 2005
BLACK CAT##13 s/t 7- King Of The Monsters Records
BLACK COBRA bestial cd Delboy Records 2006
BLACK COBRA feather and stone cd At Loss Recordings 2007
BLACK COBRA SAVIOURS / KARYSUN mercredi 28 mai 2008, 6 euros Foyer des Jeunes, Montaigu
BLACK DICE Beaches and canyons Cd 5t. DFA / FatCat Records 2002
BLACK DICE cold hands Cd Troubleman Unlimited Records 2000
BLACK EYES Cough cd dischord 2004
BLACK EYES s/t 7- Release the Bats 2002
BLACK EYES s/t Cd Dischord 2003
BLACK FILM DANCE john’s LP Cd Salvation/ Fine Tuning Records 2002
BLACK INK STAIN Incidents (Day Off Records 2021)
BLACK OX ORKESTAR nisht azoy cd constellation records 2006
BLACK OX ORKESTAR ver tanzt ? Cd Constellation 2004
BLACK PUS terrestrial seethings (Thrill Jockey 2024)
BLACK SHAPE OF NEXUS St Vendetta Records 2008
BLACK UNITY TRIO al-fatihah (Salaam Records 2020)
BLACKLISTED the beat goes on cd Reflections Records / Deathwish 2005
BLACKLISTERS "BLKLSTRS" (LP A Tant Rêver Du Roi Records 2013)
BLACKLISTERS adult (LP A tant rêver du roi 2015)
BLACKOUT ARGUMENT munich valur Bastardized Recordings 2007
Blake FLEMING The Beat Fantastic (Skin and Stick Music 2024)
BLAMMO Onomatopoeia (State Laughter records 2023)
BLASPHMIA CASUALIES The Ring of the Nibelungen Siegfried Records 2005
BLIND THORNS : A railway diversion (LP Tandori 2014)
BLOCKHEADS shape of misery cd Overcome Records 2006
BLOCKHEADS MUMAKIL / SICKBAG / ACCION MUTANTE Dimanche 22 octobre, 14 € sur place, Demi à 2,50 UBU / Rennes
BLOOD BROTHERS Crimes V2 Records - 2005
BLOOD BROTHERS Love Rhymes X2 7 Dim mak aout 2005
BLOOD OF HEROES s/t Ohm Resistance 2010
BLUE WATER BOY s/t cd Sniffing recordings industries 2000
BLUE WILLA s/t (Trovarobato 2013)
BLUTCH Enjoy Your Flight Cd Delboy Records 2000
BLUTCH fra diavolo Cd Delboy Records 2003
BOB OSTERTAG say no more + verbatim RecRec 1993 + Red Note 1998 - Rééditions SEELAND 2003
BOB TILTON The Leading Hotels Of The Worldt Cd lp Southern Records 2000
BOCAGE 0.2 cd Tête de Block 2006
BODIES IN THE GEARS OF APPARATUS Simian hybrid prototype The Spew – 2004
BOGDAN RACZYNSKI my love i love Cd Rephlex Records 2002
BONE : for want of feeling (Tenzenmen 2013)
BONNY BILLY More Revery Cd Temporary Residence Records 2001
BOOKS LIE it a weapon Cd Satellite Transmission 2002
BOOTER s/t 7- Autoproduction 2004
BORIS Akuma No Uta Southern Lord records 2003
BORIS Boris at least – Feedbacker Conspiracy recordings 2005
BORIS Pink cd Southern Lord 2006
BORIS Sunn o))) Altar Southern Lord 2006
BORN DEAD ICONS Ruins janvier 2003, Feral Ward records.
Born Dead Icons + La Fraction L-Alizée, Montréal, 1 octobre 2003
BOTCH an anthology of dead ends cd Hydra Head Records / Conspiracy 2002
BOTTLED OG s/t Cd Autoproduction 2001
BOUCAN deux (LP Bigoût records / Vox Project / Araki / Day off records / Muzotte / Abréactions 2024)
BOUCAN s/t (Day Off Records 2022)
BOUTROS BUBBA National Anthems Whosbrain records / Norrominded / Momi recordings 2008
BOXED IN s/t ep heart first records 2005
BOXHEAD ENSEMBLE Two brothers Cd Atavistic Records 2001
BOXLEITNER / TOTAL SHUTDOWN split 7" Thin The Herd / Zum Records 2001
BOZART kurth(1998) + bunge(2000) Cd Frenetic Records
BOZART WICKETRAN split bozart, wicketran, rogue states cd Snackbag Records 2000
BRAME ce qui rôde (autoproduction 2020)
BRANDSTON death and taxe Cd Deep Elm 2003
BRANDTSON CAMBER / SEVEN STOREY split cd Deep Elm Records 2003
BRANNTEN SCHNÜRE aprilnacht (LP Aguirre 2024)
BRANNTEN SCHNÜRE Muschelsammlung (LP Milder Wahn 2024)
BRAZEN As Floods Decrease 10" autoproduction 2000
BRAZEN orphaned Cd Stickman Records 2003
BRAZEN KEVLAR split cd Snuff records 2001
BRAZIL dasein Cd Fearless Records 2002
BREACH godbox cd Chrome Records 2000
BREACH kollapse Cd Burning Heart 2001
BREATHER RESIST charmer cd Jade Tree/ Level Plane 2004
BREATHER RESIST Full of tongues auxiliary records 2005
BREATHER RESIST split session cd Nova Records 2004
BREEZY TEMPLE catteya songs cd Particul System 2004
BRELFEST CUGAND 16 17 18 Juin 2023
BRIAN SEEGER The Strings of Hochelaga-Maisonneuve cd New Romance for the kids 2006
BRIGHT CALM BLUE a direct approach for casual conversation cd Level Plane Records 2003
Broetzmann / Edwards / Noble - ... The Worse The Better (Otoroku 2012)
BROM : dance with an idiot (LP Trost records 2020)
BROTZMANN VAN HOVE BENNINK & ALBERT MANGELSDORFF 'live berlin 1971' (FMP / Cien fuegos records 2017)
BRUME RETINA linéaire des libres cd Recap Records / Unbeliever Records 2006
BRUME RETINA HIRO split cd Impure Muzik / Emergence Records / I’ve Come For Your Children / OSK Records / Recap Records 2007
BRUTAL KNIGHTS Not fun 7- deranged records 2005 (rééd 2003)
BUCK GOOTER : witch molecules (X-Mist Records / Beau Travail 2012)
BUCK TIGER FERNANDEZ / NEIGHBOUR ROSICKY v/a loaf (a hommage to archers of loaf) 7- Christopher 2004
BUCKET FULL OF TEETH IV CD Level Plane Records 2005
BUGHUMMER The Getaway With cd Lovitt 2005
BULB SINGLES ##1 V/A Cd Bulb Records 2002
BULLET UNION ruin’s domino cd Jealous Records 2005
BUMBLEBEES cissetive cd Emolution Records 2004
BUNSEN Antiface + Lazarean Section (Kaoskontrol records 2021)
BURIED INSIDE chronoclast cd Relapse Records 2004
BURIED INSIDE suspect symmetry cd 8t cyclop media 2001
BURMESE Men cd load records 2004
BURMESE s/t Cd Tumult Records
BURMESE Fistula Split Crucial Blast 2004
BURN HOLLYWOOD BURN fuck you and die cd Exutoire Records 2004
BURN HOLLYWOOD BURN it shouts and sings with life…explodes with love ! cd Bisect Bleep Ind. 2002
BURN MY EYE ! v/a DVD Burn My Eye Records 2003
BURNS OUT BRIGHT distance and darkness Cd EP Deep Elm 2004
BURNS OUT BRIGHT save yourself a lifetime cd Deep Elm Records 2006
BURNT BY THE SUN the perfect is the enemy of the good cd Relapse Records 2003
BUSINESS LADY Torture Footage cd load records 2008
BUTCHER / BEINS / DAFELDECKER induction (Ni-Vu-Ni-Connu Productions 2022)
BUTCHER / BUCK / MAYAS / STANGL (Unsounds 2013)
BUTCHER / MAYAS / BUCK : Glints (Ni-Vu-Ni-Connu productions 2022)
BY COASTAL CAFE old cartoons cd EarSugar Records 2005
BZ BZ UEU Uhozmerigotz Cd Wallace Records/music -a La Coque 2000
BZ BZ UEU God Is My Co - Pilot split 7- Music -a La Coque Records 1998