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Title Trier par ordre décroissant
H2OIL Heyday To Organic Instrument Lullaby Cd Molaire Industries / Happy Dick Milk 2001
HAIL MARY Not Live 7:- 3t Hopscotch Rec.
HAIR POLICE obedience cuts Cd Freedom From 2004
HALIFAX PIER put your gloves on and wave cd Temporary Residence Records 2002
HAN BENNINK TERRIE EX The Laughing Owl Cd Terp Records 2000
HANDS UP WHO WANTS TO DIE : buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo (The Righter Collective 2011)
HANDS UP WHO WANTS TO DIE Nil all (Fonoradar / Human Worth / Sleeping Giant Glossolalia 2023)
HANGED UP clatter for control cd constellation 2005
HANGED UP s/t Cd Constellation Records 2001
HANGED UP kicker in tow Cd Constellation Records 2002
HANS APPELQVIST Att möta verkligheten cd Hapna Records 2003
HANS APPELQVIST bremort Cd Komplott Records 2004
HAPI UIZ / AGRIPON EREZ MARTINIC / RADIKAL SATAN s/t 10- Les Potagers Natures 2003
HAPI WIZZ Musique Brute Non Travaillée Mais Structurée Lp Les Potagers Natures 2000
HARAM Drescher cd lovitt records 2007
HARAM s/t cd lovitt records 2006
HARAM AUSSITOT MORT / 64 DOLLAR QUESTION mercredi 23 août 2006, 4 euros Caen, Bar La Place
HARPON béji (Tandori 2017)
HATE YOU Compilation Cd V/VM Test Records 2001
HATI & Z'EV : collusion (idiosyncratics 2013)
HAVE THE MOSKOVIK Une Simple Théorie des Glaces en Terrasse (Gropied records 2012)
HAWKS : no cash value (Lp rejuvenation / learning curve records 2016)
HAWKS push over (rejuvenation records 2012)
HAWNAY TROOF Get Up! Resolution Love Lp TCWTGA records 2004
HAYMARKET RIOT bloodshot eyes Cd Delboy Records / Conspiracy 2002
HEADCASES welcome the intruder Cd Timer Records 2004
HEADCLEANER Head of the next one Big Deal Records 1994
Headwar / Charleroy @ bistrot de Mr Jules / NANTES
HEALTH s/t cd Lovepump United 2008
HEAVY SEALS jazz bust cd Troniks Records 2005
HELGOLAND Dust 7- Music à la coque Records 2001
HELGOLAND Media Music Ep Cd Storage Records 2001
HELIOGABALE blood cd A Tant Rêver Du Roi / Les Disques Du Hangar 2010
HELIOGABALE Diving Rooms Cd autoprod 2004
HELIOGABALE Mobile Home Cd Prohibited Records 2000
HELL DEMONIO discography cd Wallace Records / Robotradio Records 2008
HELLA acoustics + there-s no 666 in outer space cd 5rc / ipecac 2006
HELLA Bitches Ain-t Shit But Good People 12- Suicide Squeeze Records 2003
HELLA Falam Dynasty / It-s-Go-In 7- 5 Rue Christine Records 2002
HELLA hold your horse is Lp Frenetic Records 2002
HELLA the devil isn-t red Cd 5 Rue Christine Records - Lp Suicide Squeeze 2004
HELLA Total Bugs Bunny on Wild Bass Cd Narnack Records 2003
HELLA + LES BAIGNEURS le tourbillon - Nantes - 2/04/2004 Kythibong / box elder
HELLA FOURTET DIV/ORCE split series 7- Ache Records 2004
HELLMOTEL hang us young cd Radar Swarm 2005
HELMS McCarthy Cd Kimchee Records 2002
HELMS the swimmer cd Kimchee Records 2000
HENRY GRIMES TRIO : The Call (LP ESP Disk 2021)
HERMAN DUNE mas cambios Cd the track & field organisation 2003
HERMANN NITSCH : Orgelkonzert Jesuitenkirche 20.11.2013 (Trost records 2017)
HERZ s/t (Coax records 2023)
HETERO SKELETON En La Sombra Del Pàjaro Velludo cd load records 2007
HEX the credit of not caring Cd MRW44 Records 2003
HIDE interior terror (Dais 2021)
HIDE YOUR DAUGHTERS the teen girl’s guide to social success cd No List Records 2007
HIGH ON FIRE blessed black wings cd Relapse 2005
HIJOKAIDAN x SISSY SPACEK : entropic (Helicopter records 2019)
HIKING Trenches/Bikini Atol (7" X-MIST RECORDS 2011)
Hildur Guðnadóttir : Leyfðu Ljósinu (Touch 2012)
Hildur Guðnadóttir : Saman (Touch 2014)
HIM Our Point Of Departure Cd Perishable/ Slowdime Records 2000
HIM / RUJAN split 7" Earwing records 2000
Hint + La Phaze + Fragile Paris, Glaz-art -
HIRETSUKAN end states CD Paranoid records/ G7 Welcoming Commitee 2005
HIRETSUKAN invasive//exotic Cd G7 Welcoming Commitee Records 2002
HIS MISCHIEF summer’s eve cd Modern Radio Record Label 2007
HIS MISCHIEF the perfect lover (Modern radio 2008)
HISTERIA volume 1 LP Lengua armada Records 2003
HISTERIA volume 2 Lengua Armada 2003
HITCH monolith Cd Delboy Records 2001
HITCH s/t 7- Delboy Records 2000
HITCH s/t 7- Kinky Star Records 2003
HITCH trails are ablaze ! cd Kinky Star Records 2004
HITCH we are electric cd Moonlee Records / Vlas Vegas Records 2006
HO CHI MOON s/t (Ultraääni Records / Joteskii Groteskii / Sax Tapes 2022)
HOARIES Rocker Shocker (Reptilian records 2020)
HOLLAND BORTHWICK helene Cd Temporary Residence 2002
HOLY MOLAR cavity search cd Three One G Records 2007
HOLY MOLAR s/t 10- Three One G Records 2005
HOLY MOLAR The Whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth… Three One G. – 2002
Hommage à Thierry Tanguy (1972-2024)
HONEY FOR PETZI Man-s rage for black ham cd Ruminance 2005
HONEY FOR PETZI nicholson Cd Gentlemen records 2003
HONS ferner liefen Cd Ferner Liefen Records 2002
HORRORSHOW DESTRUCTION what the hell is goin’on cd autoproduction 2006
HORSE LORDS As It Happened: Horse Lords Live (RVNG Intl. 2024)
HOT CROSS A new set of lungs EP Cd Nova Recordings / Level Plane 2002
HOT CROSS cryonics Cd Earth Water Sky Connection 2003
HOT CROSS Fair Trades And Farwells Cd Level Plane / Sonzai 2004
HOT FLOWERS workhouse cd Time Tunnel Records 2003
HOT SNAKES audit in progress cd Swami Records 2004
HOT SNAKES Suicide Invoice Cd Swami Records 2002
HOT SNAKES DAN SARTAIN 24 Mai 2005 Nouveau Casino, Paris
HOT WATER MUSIC a flight and a crash cd Epitaph records 2001
HOUTKAMP-S POW3 the thirteen bar blues Cd X-OR Records 2003
HUBCAP Those Kids Are Weirder Cd 54º40- or Fight! Records 2002
HUNTING LODGE Energy Czar Farn Girl Records 2006
HUTCHINSON SUICIDE démo 2004 cdr autoproduction 2004
HVK s/t (STNT 05)
HYACINTH homo ludens 7’’ D’Ici A La Réalité/ Alchimia Records 2005
HYATARI the light carriers cd code : breaker 2005
HYK s/t music fear satan 2009
HYPO karaoke a cappella Cd Active Suspension Records 2002
HYPOS s/t 12- Non Conforme Records 2005