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Title Trier par ordre décroissant
UENO PARK Dix-mille yeux (Tropare Records 2016)
UI answers Cd Southern Records 2003
ULTRA MILKMAIDS Oldies vol. 1 Manifold 2006
ULTRA MILKMAIDS Pocket Station Ant Zen 2007
ULTRA MILKMAIDS Aidan Baker At Home With… Infraction 2005
ULTRALYD chromosome gun cd Load Records 2005
ULTRAPHALLUS lungville autoproduction 2006
UNDERGROUND RESISTANCE Instellar fugitives LP CD underground resistance
UNEARTHLY TRANCE In The Red Rise above records 2004
UNFOLD aeon aony Cd Division Records 2003
UNION OF URANUS Backhand K7 daybreak records 1994
UNION OF URANUS To this bearer of truth cd stonehenge / great american steak religion / feral ward 2004
UNITAS porch life cd No Idea records 2001
UNITED COLOR OF BLACK METAL Synchronicités (Kythibong records 2021)
UNLOGISTIC capitulation cd dvd Rejuvenation Records / Waiting for An Angel 2006
UNLOGISTIC MYRA LEE / BARON NOIR / REVOLUTION OF SUN Samedi 24 juin 2006, 6 euros Mondo Bizarro, Rennes
UNMONO as long as an album cd 12pylons records 2004
UNPERSONS IV-self portrait ep 1 titre 15 minutes 7- Life is abuse records 2004
UNSANE bloodrun cd Relapse 2005
UNSANE lambhouse (Cd 24t. + DVD 23t. (Videos + Lives)) Relapse 2003
UNSANE s/t Mp3 / Coextinction recordings
UNWED SAILOR the marionette and the music box Cd Gentlemen / Burnt Toast 2003
UNWOUND Versus Bomb Diffusion 7- Troubleman Unlimited Records 2000
UPRIGHT FORMS blurred wires (Skin Graft Records 2024)
UROTSUKIDOJI WINTER IN JUNE split cd Ignition records 2002
US CHRISTMAS Run thick in the night cd Neurot recordings 2010
US MAPLE Acre Thrills Cd Drag City Records 2001
USAISAMONSTER Sunset At The End of the Industrial Age cd Load Records 2006
USAISAMONSTER Tasheyana Compost Cd Load Records 2003
USAISAMONSTER Wohaw cd Load Records 2005
USAISAMONSTER, AIDS WOLF, LES ANGLES MORTS Montréal, 18 décembre 2004, 6 dollars
USKE ORCHESTRA Gaffe 10" Ambivalence
USKE ORCHESTRA Moli Herzog Cd Ambivalence 2003
USKE ORCHESTRA Niko et la berlue - Sonig 50 Sonig
UZRUJAN ...thirteen days forth and therteen back... Cd Wallace / Earwing / Freeland 2001