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Title Trier par ordre décroissant
G.F.K if liberty isn’t given it should be taken cd G7 Welcoming Committee Records 2004
G.I. JOE clito-s angels cd Fooltribe 2004
G.I. JOE + SUPERLUCERTULAS 13/12/2004 - le tourbillon - Nantes Kythibong
G.I. JOE ROOM 204 son of sulphur 10- Interstellar Records 2005
G77 plein de vie cd Exutoire Records 2002
Gabriel HIBERT Abducté (Tandori 2017)
Gabriel SALOMAN 'Movement Building vol1, vol2, vol3' (LP Shelter Press 2017)
GADGET the funeral march cd Relapse Records 2006
GAG Caveman Suffers Flitwick Records
GAG when people start slapping meat on marble cd Flitwick Records 2000
GAMENESS s/t cd Recap Records 2003
GAMENESS / AMEN RA GANTZ / VUUR split cd Heart On Fire / Impure Muzik / Recap Records 2004
GANTZ la chambre des morts cd Heart On Fire/ Impure Muzik/ Radar Swarm/ Krawa Productions 2006
GANTZ ’’ Cd Impure Muzik 2002
GANTZ CLEANER split cd Maldoror, Impure Muzik, Oto Records 2004
GASOLINE DC / NUIT NOIRE CHAPON FARCI 1er Novembre 2006 L’Entrepôt / Toulouse
GATECHIEN 2 cd Another Records 2005
GATECHIEN s/t cd Another Records 2003
GATECHIEN trois CD Keben Records/ Milpack 2006
GEBBIA, LIGETI, PUPILLO the williamsburg sonatas Cd wallace records 2004
GEISHA mondo dell’orrore cd SuperFi Records / Crucial Blast / Blood Red Sounds 2006
GENERAL LEE the sinister menace Cd the gay corp. 2003
GENETIC CONTROL bootleg du premier ep Reagan era HC 2003 ?
GENGHIS TRON Board Up the House Relapse 2008
GENGHIS TRON Cloak of love Crucial Blast 2005
GENGHIS TRON Dead Mountain Mouth Crucial Blast Records 2006
GENTLE VEINCUT concrete landing cd whosbrain records 2006
GEO out of body (Erste Theke Tonträger Records 2024)
GERONIMO S/t 31G 2007
GET FUCKED s/t Cd Level Plane 2004
GET HUSTLE Earth Odyssey Cd 5RC Records 2000
GET HUSTLE Dream Eagle 12" Three One G. Records 2002
GET THE PEOPLE s/t cd ruminance 2007
GETATCHEW MEKURIA & THE EX & FRIENDS : Y'Anbessaw Tezeta (Terp records 2012)
GETATCHEW MEKURIA The Ex 15 septembre 2009 / gratuit ou 8 dollars La Casa del popolo / Montréal
GHOSTDIGITAL In code we trust cd Ipecac / southern 2006
GIARDINI DI MIRO Pimmon Split 10- 2.nd Rec / Fiction Friction 2001
GIDDY MOTORS Magmanic Cd Fat Cat Records 2003
GIDDY MOTORS make it pop Cd Fat Cat Records 2002
GIDDY MOTORS Whirled by Curses 7- FAT CAT Records 2002
GIRLS AGAINST BOYS you can’t fight what you can’t see cd Vicious circle/ Jade Tree 2002
GIUSTINO DI GREGORIO Sprut Cd Tzadik Records - 2000
GLASS AND ASHES aesthetic arrest cd No Idea 2004
GLEN OR GLENDA s/t Lp Galerie Pache 2003
GLU / PLATOBETON split (Pouet! Schallplatten 2012)
GODSPEED YOU BLACK EMPEROR Yanqui U.X.O. Cd Constellation Records 2002
GODSPEED YOU BLACK EMPEROR CHEVAL DE FRISE / GUAPO / DOMINIQUE A / KARATE reports olympic / mondo bizarro / manège en chantier
GODZIK PINK Es Em Ekelem Cd 5rc Records 2000
GOGOGO AIRHEART Presure Single Is Inside 7- Flapping Jet Records
GOGOGO AIRHEART s/t Cd Gsl Records 2000
GOLDEN BIRDS carrier cd Paranoid Records 2005
GOLEM MÉCANIQUE Siamo tutti in pericolo (Ideologic organ 2025)
GONE BALD exotic klaustrofobia cd Narrominded records 2005
GONE BALD It Takes Guts To Tango cdr autoproduit 2002
GOOD CLEAN FUN between christian rock and a hard place CD Reflection Records 2006
GOODBYE DIANA mobilhome CD Head Records 2006
GOODBYE DIANA odds and ends cd Head Records / Basement Apes Industries 2008
GORCH FOCK s/t Cd Perverted Son 2004
GORDZ s/t Cd Ruminance / Euphrate Records 2001
GORGE TRIO Dead Chicken For No Knife + For Loss Of(split W/h Milo Fine) Cd Freeland Records 2000
GORGE TRIO Open Mouth, O Wisp Cd Skin Graft Records 2004
GOROBEI CLAYTER démo cdr autoproduction 2006
GRADE headfirst straight to hell cd Victory records 2001
GRAILS redlight cd Neurot recordings / southern 2004
GRAILS the burden of hope cd Neurot Recordings 2003
GRAND ULENA gateway to dignity Cd Family Vineyard Records 2003
GRAND ULENA neosho cd Family Vineyard 2004
GRATUIT / DRACULA MI AMOR / GABLE MEIN SOHN WILLIAM Samedi 17 avril 2010 Bitche / Nantes
GRAVES AT SEA Asunder Split Life is abuse 2005
GREIL MARCUS Lipstick Traces, Une histoire secrète du vingtième siècle éd. Allia, Paris 1999, 550 p, seconde édition
GRENCSO KOLLEKTIVA PLUSZ 7 Songs To The Last Mohicans Cd 11t. Bahia Records 2001
GRIDS Kansas LP Permanent records/Lunchbox records 2010
GRIEF Alive Southern Lord 2006
GRINDWALL Grindwall autoproduit 2007
GROUND / LIFT s/t Cd Karate Joe 2004
GROUND : s/t (Set/30' records 2012)
GU GUAI XING QIU Death to pigs Split 213 Records / Acide Folik / Ben le Millionnaire / Down Boy Records / Gaffer Records 2006
GUAPO black oni cd Ipecac / southern 2005
GUAPO five suns Cd Cuneiform Records 2004
GUAPO Great sage, equal of heaven cd Pandemonium Records 2001
GUAPO GODDAR / CHEVREUIL orga : lu Le Lieu Unique / NANTES
GUERILLA POUBELLE il faut repeindre le monde guerilla asso et crash disques, 20t 2005
GUITAR WOLF loverock cd narnack records 2004
GUM The Bikini Machine Cd Autoproduction 1999
GUNMOLL anger management in four chords or less cd No Idea Records 2001
GUNMOLL FIFTH HOUR HERO split cd No Idea 2002
Gustafsson / Chippendale / Pupillo : Melt (Trost 2016)
GUY BLACKMAN adult baby (LP Pop Superette / Chapter Musics 2024)
GUYANA PUNCH LINE direkt action Cd Prank Records 2003
GUYANA PUNCH LINE Irritainment... Cd Prank Records 2001
GUYANA PUNCH LINE s/t 7- When Humans Attack ! Records 2003
GUYANA PUNCH LINE Youth For Smashism 7- Coalition Records 2000