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Title Trier par ordre décroissant
I LOVE UFO wish cd Record Makers 2006
I WALK THE LINE badlands cd Combat Rock Industry / Boss Tunage 2004
IANNIS XENAKIS Persepolis + Remixes Edition I Cd Asphodel Records 2002
ICHABOD CRANE démo cdr autoproduction 2004
ICHABOD CRANE kid cocotte cd autoproduction 2006
IHAN Iota Mille Plateaux - 2000
IMPLY IN ALL démo cdr autoproduction 2002
IMPRACTICAL COCKPIT to be treated cd load records 2006
IMPURE WILHELMINA afraid cd autoproduction 2000
IMPURE WILHELMINA I can’t believe I was born in july Cd Waiting for an angel / Space Patrol 2003
IN / HUMANITY Violent Resignation : The Great American Teenage Suicide Rebellion 1992 - 1998 Cd Prank Records 2000
INDEX FOR POTENTIAL SUICIDE sex, violence whatever (the complete recordings) cd Alone Records 2005
INEPSY R-N-R Babylon Feral war records
Inepsy Last days / Kontemps / After the bombs 22 avril 2006, 6 dollars saphir
INFERNO PUNX , japanese underground hardcore punk scene 1989-2003 84 pages (8 en couleurs) Mcr compagny 2003
INGAR ZACH strumento di etimo incerto (Aspen Edities 2023)
Ingrid Laubrock / Tom Rainey Counterfeit Mars (Relative Pitch records 2022)
INK reagent specs Cd Monitor records 2002
INSELBERG Voyage d​’​hiver (Cioran / WV Sorcerer 2024)
INSIDE CONFLICT spherical mirage cd Overcome Records 2004
INSIDE CONFLICT JUDOBOY split Cd Plainfield Records 2002
INSTITUTRICE cohortes (Un Je Ne Sais Quoi 2021)
INTEGRITY palm Sunday cd+dvd Spook City Records/ GSR 2006
IO MONADE STANCA The impossible story of bubu AfricAntApe 2009
IO MONADE STANCA : three angles (ATRDR 2013)
ISCARIOTE s/t 7- Pure Pain Sugar/Molaire Industries 2001
ISIS Celestial Cd Hydrahead / Conspiracy 2000
ISIS panopticon cd Ipecac / southern 2004
ISIS Signal>05 Cd Neurot Recordings / Conspiracy 2001
ISSUE SIXTEEN …and staring at her hands Ophélia said... cd New Romance For Kids Records 2006
IT IT ANITA s/t (Honest House 2014)
IT’S NOT NOT giving everything cd Bcore Disc 2004
IT’S NOT NOT no time for jokes cd Bcore Records/ Defiance Records 2005
Ivann CRUZ & Peter ORINS des pieds et des mains (Circum Disc 2023)
I’M AFRAID s/t cd José Records 2006
I’M AFRAID TO DEPRESS s/t cd José Records 2003