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Title Trier par ordre décroissant
WALK ASIDE This Ain-t No Market, and We Ain-t No Commoditiies 7- EP Carte Blanche Records
WAREHOUSE Escape plan Darenne 2007
WARM RED decades of breakfast (LP STATE LAUGHTER RECORDS 2020)
WE TALKED ABOUT MURDER expecting the explosion CD 11t. Has anyone ever told you Rec. 2003
WE TALKED ABOUT MURDER s/t Cd Hasanyoneevertoldyou? Records 2000
WE WANT SOUND s/t cd HB Records / Musikal Delirium 2008
WEEPING MINDS OF SILENCE XIMEL split cd Space Patrol 2004
WEEZER s/t Cd 10t. Geffen Records 2001
WEI JI Démo Cd 2000 Autoproduction
WEIGHTS & MEASURES tonight, the lower abdominals (mcd) & s/t (cd) Matlock Records 2001 2000
WELLDONE DUMBOYZ Welldone Dumboyz -
WHITE CIRCLE CRIME CLUB These Are The Secret Sounds Of Fear Cd Conspiracy Records 2003
WHITE CIRCLE CRIME CLUB written in black cd Conspiracy Records 2005
WHITE MICE BLasssTPhlEgMEICE cd load records 2007
WHITE MICE mouse of mendes LP ohnonoise records 2005
WHITE MICE BOLZ’N mercredi 23 mai 2007, 10 euros Les Instants Chavirés, Montreuil
WHITE SUNS : totem (Lp the flenser 2014)
WHITE SUNS sinews (load records 2012)
WHITE SUNS the lower way (Lp Decoherence records 2021)
WICKETRAN frills and flashy finery cd Snackbag Records 2000
WICKETRAN VAPID split 7- Snackbag Records 2001
WILDIDLIFE Six Crucial Blast 2008
WILKINSON / EDWARDS / NOBLE "live at cafe oto" (Bo'Weavil Recordings 2009)
WILL GUTHRIE people pleaser (Kythibong records 2021)
WILL GUTHRIE Sticks, Stones & Breaking Bones (2012)
WITH ALL SINCERITY the age where nothings fits cd Pluto Records 2003
WITH LOVE iceage generation 7- Heroine Records 2003
WIVES erect the youth problem cd Sweet Nothing coldsweat 2005
WOE last stop Cd Some Records 2001
WOO Hoo-ha (Circum Disc / Tour de bras 2024)
WORLD INFERNO FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY me v.angry mob 12- The Compagny With The Golden Arm / X-Mist Records 2005
WORLD INFERNO FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY speak of brave men cd Gern Blandsten Records 2004
WORLD SANGUINE REPORT third one rises cd Gravid Hands 2009
WRANGLER BRUTES demo 2 x 8- Clarence thomas Records 2005
WRANGLER BRUTES zulu lp / cd 18t lp autoproduit WB ou cd kill rock stars 2004
WRITTEN FROM NEGATIVE almost always hungry cd The Compagny With The Golden Arm 2005