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Title Trier par ordre décroissant
SAAB 77 s/t Cdr Teamborscht Records 2001
SABO 8 saisons à l-ombre ruminance 2007
SAETIA s/t 73 Witching Hour Records
SALOME A.m. Cd Dutch Courage Records 2000
SAN GERONIMO sg Cd Ignition records 2001
SAN GERONIMO RYDELL / A ROCKET SENT TO YOU 3 way Cd Ignition Records 2002
SANG FRAIS automne 2003, numéro 12, contribution volontaire, 34 p. autoprod.
Sarah Davachi 'Cantus, Descant' (late music 2020)
Sarah HENNIES : Embedded Environments (LP Blume records 2018)
SATURATION s/t lp cd 2004
SAWAKO : nu.it (Baskaru 2014)
SAYYADINA Fear Gave Us Wings LP Yellow Dog 2004
SCALENE Démo Cdr autoproduit 2002
SCAVENGER QUARTET We Who Live On Land cd acidsoxx musicks 2006
SCHEMA s/t Cd 5rc Records 2000
SCHISM NEW YORK HARDCORE FANZINE reed Bridge 9 press (128 pages n/b)
SCHNELLERTOLLERMEIER : X (cuneiform records 2015)
SCHWERE ARTILLERIE brutal bebop show cd TearsFromSilence Records 2005
SCIENCE OF GLASS GARGANTUA compilation Toyo 05 cd Toyo Records 2000
SCIENCE OF YABRA Check The Sound Cd Frenetic Records 2003
SCIENCE OF YABRA Don't Panic Cd Frenetic Records 2004
SCORN List Of Takers - Versions and more - Vivo 011 Vivo
SCORN list of takers cd Vivo records 2004
SCORN Refuse, Start Fires cd Ohm Resistance 2010
SCORN stealth cd jarring effects / Ohm Resistance / Ad Noiseam 2007
SCOTT WALKER : the childhood of a leader (4AD 2016)
SCREAMERS Demo Hollywood 1977 (12" Superior Viaduct 2021)
SCUL HAZZARDS let them sink cdr/ LP Rejuvenation, Slow Death, Les Disques Du Hangar 221, Whosbrain, Shot Down Records 2008
SCUTTLE SECOND RATE split Cd Prehisto / Firefly Records 2002
SEA OF TOMBS Sea of tombs Gravity 2002
SEAL PHURIC phonic sins cd ambivalence / Bruits de fond 2004
SEANEWS demo cd Dangerous At Drive Records 2002
SEANEWS s/t cd Sanjam Records 2005
SEANEWS UNLOGISTIC love, glory and beauty 7- Rejuvenation Records/ Happy Dick Milk 2003
SEC "que chaque jour soit dimanche" (A tant rêver du roi 2014)
SECOND RATE FLYING DONUTS this machine kills emo-kids cd Sanjam Records 2003
SED NON SATIATA le ciel de notre enfance 12- Pure Pain Sugar, Puzzle Records, Alchimia 2005
SEDIA s/t CD Wallace 2004
SEDIA the even times cd wallace records 2006
SELAM into blisters into bits (autoprodution 2013)
SELF-EVIDENT : we built a fortress on short notice (double+good records 2012)
SEMI PLAYBACK s/t cd Dumb Inc 2007
SENSATIONAL Meets KOYXEИ s/t (Skam 2010)
Septembre 2011
SEQUOIA the forgotten links cd Eternalis Records 2004
SEQUOIA LIU KANG split cd Eternalis Records/ Zone 6 Records 2006
SET FIRE TO FLAMES sings reign rebuilder cd Alien8 recordings / P-Vine records 2001
SET FIRE TO FLAMES telegraphs in negative / mouths trapped in static cd Fat Cat Records 2003
SETH AUGUSTUS to the pouring rain cd Porto Franco / Seth Augustus quittner / Naxo Prod 2009
SETTLEFISH the plural of the choir cd Deep elm records 2004
SETTLEFISH Dance A While, Upset Cd Deep Elm Records 2003
SEVEN HATE last exit to Poitiers, a tribute to Seven Hate cd Buzz Off / HB Records 2005
SEVEN HATE the matching profile cd Enragés Productions / Dialektik Records 2002
SEX CHURCH Growing Over (Load 2011)
SHABAZZ PALACES "black up" (Sub Pop 2012)
SHALL NOT KILL / FANTASTIKOL HOLE / TEKKEN MOON s/t cd Shifty / Ocinatas / WeeWee / BurningEmptiness Inc. / Nhdyse / Parade / Noisybear / 213 Records 2007
Shannon Wright Bocage avril 2004 Le Confort Moderne, poitiers
SHANNON WRIGHT YANN TIERSEN s/t cd Vicious circle / ici d-ailleurs 2004
SHANTIDAS Musique pour Ombres M​é​caniques (LP WV Sorcerer Productions / Cavsas 2024)
SHANTY RD finally cd Bcore Disc 2002
SHELBY BRYANT Cloud Wow Music Cd Smell Like Records 2001
SHELLAC 1000 Hurts Cd Touch & Go Records 2000
SHELLAC excellent italian greyhound LP Touch And Go Records 2007
SHELLAC MISSION OF BURMA 06 juin 2008 l-olympic, Nantes
SHIELD YOUR EYES shield em cd Gravid Hands / saddam Hussein records 2009
SHIELD YOUR EYES volume 4 (function records 2011)
SHIFTS Equal / Unequal cd Fourth dimension records 2000
SHIKARI Dead Men cd Level Plane / Nova Recordings 2003
SHIPPING NEWS flies the fields cd Quaterstick Records 2005
SHIPPING NEWS Very Soon, And In Pleasant Company cd Southern Records 2000
SHOCK TREATMENT BOOTER split 7" Peste et Choléra 2003
SHOEMAKER LEVY 9 Pantheon Several Bleeds Records 2005
SHOPLIFTING s/t Cd Kill Rock Stars 2004
SHOPPING : The Official Body (FatCat Records 2017)
SHORA malval cd conspiracy records 2005
SHORA Shaping The Random (Head records 2021)
SHOTGUN MONDAY read compare adjust cd Modern Radio Records / Formula for Repetition 2006
SHUB if you can’t read shub, badluck you’re colorblind cd Goback Records 2005
SHUB The snake, the goose and the ladder Goback records / Rejuvenation Records / Down Boy Records / Karaoke 666 / Whosbrain records 2008
SHUB : spote the difference (rejuvenation 2013)
SICBAY overreaction time Cd 54° 40- or Fight ! Records 2003
SICBAY the firelit s-coughs Cd Obtuse Mule 2001
Sicbay Cheval De Frise / Valina Mercredi 18 février 2004 / 10 ans Kfuel Jardin Moderne, Rennes
SICBAY GRAND ULENA split 7- Sawtooth Records 2002
SICKBAG bushido codex Deformeathing Production 2006
Sidi TOURE "Sahel Folk" thrill jokey
SIGHTINGS absolutes Cd LOAD Records 2003
SIGHTINGS Arrived in Gold cd load records 2004
SIGHTINGS End times - Fusetron 044 Fusetron
SIGHTINGS s/t Cd Load Records 2001
SIGNAL LOST children of the wasteland cd Prank Records 2004
SIGNAL PROBLEMS s/t (pfMentum 2014)
SIGNAL TO TRUST folklore Cd Modern Radio Record 2002
SIGNAL TO TRUST golden amour cd Modern Radio Records Label 2006
SIGUR ROS ( ) CD FATCAT Records 2003
SIGUR ROS () Cd Fat Cat Records 2002
SILENTIST House on the hill EP Celestial Gang rec. 2007
SILVER DAGGERS new high & ord load records 2007
SIMFELA CASSAGE DE BURNES split 7- Alchimia 2003
SINALOA Fathers and sons cd Chernobyl media, lp word salad recordings 2003
SINALOA footprints on floorboards cd Waking Records 2005
SINCABESA démo cdr autoprod. 2004
SINCABESA s/t cd Soundklass Recordings / Nature Humaine 2005
SINCABEZA edit sur passage avant fin ou montée d’instrument cd Distile Records 2007
SINGAPORE SLING Perversity, desperation and death 8MM Musik/Differ Ant 2009
SINISTRI free pulse cd Hapna Records 2004
SISTER IODINE Flame desastre Premier Sang 2008
SIX FINGER SATELLITE HALF CONTROL + a good year for hardness cd load + anchor brain 2009
SIX ORGANS OF ADMITTANCE Compathia Holy Mountain 2003
SK COMPILATION ! Cd SK Records 2001
SK COMPILATION ? Cd SK Records 2001
SKARNSPAGE s/t Cd LilacSky Records 2002
SKEW WHIFF taedium vitae cd 14t. life is abuse 2003
SKOAL KODIAK Kryptonym Bodiak (Load records 2011)
Sleepers + Seven Hate Roche sur Yon, le Fuzz Yon fy
SLEEPING PEOPLE growing cd Temporary residence 2007
SLEEPING PEOPLE s/t cd Temporary residence records 2005
SLEEPING PEOPLE / Robot Orchestra / Vergogne : samedi 4 avril 2008 / 6 euros WBC / La Rochelle
SLOTH Not our worst aka progression Shifty Records 2004
SMIRK LP (drunken Sailor / Feel It Records 2021)
SNACK TRUCK harpoon Cd the perpetual motion machine 2004
SOCRATES Ep CD 3’’ Gaffer Records 2005
SOCRATES More vultures, hyenas and coyotes cd Modern City 2007
SOCRATES vultures, hyenas and coyotes 7- Modern City Records, Gaffer Records, Desertion Records, Horror Vacui Theatre, Kontrabande Records 2006
SOEZA Founded By Sportsmen And Outlaws Cd Prohibited Records 2000
SOFY MAJOR Permission To Engage Atropine records / Prototype records / Basement Apes Industries / Bigoût records / Odio Sonoro 2010
SOFY MAJOR s/t cd Argghh Records 2006
SOFY MAJOR Self titled Emergence records / Communication is not words records 2009
SOILENT GREEN confrontation cd Relapse Records 2005
SOMMEIL DE BRUTE is an alternating current (Araki Records / Poutrage Records / Muzotte / Nunc. Records / Do It Youssef / Day Off Records 2024)
SONG OF ZARATHUSTRA Birth Of Tragedy Cd Troubleman Unlimited Records 2000
SONGS: OHIA Magnolia Electric Co. Cd Secretly Canadian Records 2003
SONNA we sing loud, sing soft tonight cd Temporary Residence Records 2001
SOPA BOBA that moment (Sub Rosa 2025)
SOPHIA ET MOI Démo Cdr autoproduction 2002
Sophie AGNEL / John EDWARDS / Steve NOBLE Three on a Match (Otoroku 2024)
SOSO birthday songs (japanese édition) cd Hue Records / Close Horse Records 2006
SOUNDS LIKE VIOLENCE The Pistol Cd Deep Elm Records 2004
SOUTHKILL s/t cd Noreaster media 2003
SPAM s/t cd autoproduction 2005
SPECTRE Parts Unknown Cd Quatermass Records 2002
SPECTRE psychic war Cd Wordsound Recordings 2003
SPECTRE retrospectre Cd Quatermass Records 2004
SPEEDRANCH JANSKY NOISE migrate Cd Planet Mu Records 2003
SPELTERINI Paréidolie (Kythibong records 2022)
SPINNING HEADS change the game cd Basement Apes Industries / Radar Swarm Records 2004
SPINNING HEADS nothing is gained nothing is lost everything changes 7- Radar Swarm 2003
SPLLIT spllit sides (Feel it Records 2021)
SPY VERSUS SPY Little Lights cd Subjugation Records 2000
SPYGLASS ETERNAL TANGO split cd autoproduction 2004
SQUAREPUSHER go plastic cd Warp Records 2001
SQUID PISSER dreams of puke (Skin Graft records 2024)
STAFRÆNN HÄKON í ástandi rjúpunnar Cd Resonant Label 2004
Standstill Clurricaume Café, Poitiers la Mâchoire
STANDSTILL memories collector Cd BCORE Disc 2002
STANDSTILL standstill cd BCore 2004
STANDSTILL the ionic spell cd Bcore Discs 2001
STANDSTILL ENGRAVE split 7’’ 7- Defiance Records 2001
STARS OF THE LID And Their Refinement Of The Decline cd Kranky / Southern 2007
STATUES concert 14 aout 2009 à la Friendship Cove, Montréal / Terminal Bedroom + cd s/t + 12- New people make us nervous deranged records 2008 / Radio 81 records
STEAK FROM DELTA pain perdu Cd Vives Eaux 2003
STEAK FROM DELTA STARZ AT MY DESK split 7 7- Busted Viny records 2001
STEEL RULES DIE the hemingway solution cd Reflections Records 2004
STEF AND ARNO sin caras 7- Nemo records 2000
STEREOGRAMMES image proche cd autoprod 2004
STEREOZOR All In (Hello Sweet Noise / Smalltones records 2013)
STERLING cursed cd file-13 2007
STERLING murderer Cd Swey Records 2001
STERLING s/t Cd File-13 Records 2003
STEROID MAXIMUS Ectopia Cd Ipecac Recordings 2002
STEROID MAXIMUS nantes usine lu
STEVE LACY free for a minute 1965 - 1972 (Emanem 2017)
Stian LARSEN / Colin WEBSTER / Ruth GOLLER / Andrew LISLE temple of muses (Relative Pitch Records 2025)
STNNNG fake fake cd Modern Radio 2006
STNNNG Smoke of my will LP Modern Radio 2010
STNNNG Teenie Fantastic cd modern radio records 2005
STNNNG Empire Inward (Rejuvenation / Modern Radio 2013)
STNT - Releases
STNT001 : TROMBE - Chroniques / Reviews
STNT002 : TROMBE - cheval rodéo - Chroniques / Reviews
STORM & STRESS Dstress cd Touch & Go Records 2000
STRIKE ANYWHERE exit english cd Jade Tree 2003
STRIKE FORCE DIABLO the albatros and the architect cd No Idea Records 2004
STRONG AS TEN s/t 7- Shogun Records 2005
STUNTMAN Among the ruins prototype records, 2004
STUNTMAN 5 melted, plastic fake cd Collectif Effervescence 2005
SUBMERGE s/t Cd demo 7- Shogun records 2001
SUBMERGE KARRAS split 7- Destructure / Shogun Records 2003
SUBMISSION HOLD what holds back the elephant cd G7 welcoming Committee / Stonehenge 2004
SUDDEN DUSK : Archer (Aerophonic Records 2025)
SUGARTOWN CABARET the first time I lost the road map cd Paranoid Records / Abstraction 2007
SUN PLEXUS (pl) riroum av ut Orgasm records 1997/2004
SUN PLEXUS Or ou ferraille? A quelle profondeur ? cd ronda label 2004
SUNDOWNER Sundowner Cd Dead End Records 2000
SUNFOOT round dice / fried combo (Mississippi records / Awesome Vistas 2015)
SUNN O))) Black One CD Southern Lord 2005
SUNN O))) Monolith & dimensions Southern Lord 2009
SUNNO))) Earth Angel Coma Southern Lord 2006
SUPERLUCERTULAS Homo Volans cd 8mm records 2004
SUPERSOFT [14-18] ANDY’S CAR CRASH twin powers volume 1 split LP Partycul System 2002
SUPINE TO SIT Break Out Your Indicators lovitt Records 2004
SURFER ROSA Surfer Rosa Autoproduit 2010
SURGICAL BEAT BROS : s/t (From Scratch Records 2014)
SWAD 10 a.m the sky is blue… cd Karibou Productions 2006
SWARM OF THE LOTUS the sirens of silence CD ABACUS Recordings 2005
SWARRRM ATOMIC FIREBALL split Cd God Door Records 2001
SWEEP THE LEG JOHNNY going down swingin’ Cd Southern records 2002
SWEEP THE LEG JOHNNY / RUMAH SAKIT live, september 9th, 2000 Cd Sickroom Records 2002
SWEETHEART art is dead is dead cd The Perpetual Motion Machine 2005
SWIMS s/t cd distile 2006
SWITCHBLADE s/t Cd Trust No One Recordings 2000
SWITCHBLADE s/t cd Trust No One recordings 2002
SWITCHBLADE s/t Trust no one Recordings 2006
SYBARITE placement issues Cd Temporary Residence 2002
SYLVAIN CHAUVEAU un autre décembre Cd Fat Cat Records 2003
SYNCOPATED ELEVATORS LEGACY An heliocentric Saltbox - Ambivalence 01 Ambivalence
SYSTEMS OFFICER s/t cd Ace Fu Records 2004